
Leaving Instagram

Hi cybercitizens,

I'm currently in the process of helping my father leave Facebook and Instagram in favor of the Indieweb. He loves sharing things online, from family photos to personal projects that he works on, such as illustrations and "blog posts" (which are really very long captions beneath Instagram posts).

Today, he has over 1700 posts. We've talked about why it would be a good idea for him to have his own domain so he can own his content. At this point, I'm not sure what blogging platform would be best for him.

For him, convenience is most important, but he has shown a lot of interest in having his own website. For an older and busier man, what would be a good blogging platform?

His requirements are pretty simple:

I am happy to help him through the entire process, but I also know he would like to feel independent and do it all on his own. He likes learning new stuff, but he's no web developer.

What would you recommend?

I'm looking forward to reading about any similar experiences you may have had yourself or with parents.



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